SAVEWO 3D Meow 救世 立體喵兒童口罩 30's【Size KL aged 7-13 托帕石 Topaz】
- SKU:
- 4897115147296
- Availability:
- aged 7-13 托帕石 Topaz
升級版本採用最新TypeCool+ 過濾技術,超低呼吸阻力 Breathing Resistance< 2.8mmH2O,特別適合小朋友使用。防止液淺阻擋達160mmHg,更有效過濾99.9%細菌、微塵及病毒。
每片均採用獨立個體包裝,方便攜帶。3DMEOW更通過韓國MFDS 認證為KF94等級,尺碼增至4款,無論大人同小朋友都能夠安心配戴,變成超可愛貓喵萌爆示人!
- 細菌過濾效率 BFE≥99.9%
- 顆粒過濾效率 PFE≥99.9%
- 病毒過濾效率 VFE≥99.9%
- 創新
- 超低呼吸阻力 Breathing Resistance < 2.8mmH2O
- 防止飛沫及潑濺阻擋達 160mmHg
- 特製抗水性ESPP順滑親膚內層,呵護肌膚
- 符合韓國 KMOEL-2017-64 KF94 防護呼吸器標準
- 符合美國 ASTM F2100-19 Level3 醫用口罩標準
- 符合歐盟 EN14683:2019 Type IIR 醫用口罩標準
- 符合 JIS T 9001:2021 Class III 醫用口罩標準 (由KAKEN測試)
- 通過微生物淨潔測試 Microbial Cleanliness (Bioburden) Test
- 採用安全性最高的色母染色法
- 不含212項 SVHC 高關注物料
- 不含偶氮染料 No Azo Dye in Textile
- 不含螢光劑,無乳膠,抗過敏
- ISO9001:2015 品質管理系統認證
- ISO13485:2016 醫療器械品質管理體系認證
- ISO14001:2015 環境管理系統認證
- ISO14644-1:2015 Class7 無塵廠房生產認證
- 產品獲得CE歐盟認證
- 美國FDA食品及藥物監管局註冊,編號:3017178899
- 香港設計,香港生產,獨立個體包裝
New 3D design inspired by kittens! Stay safe and stay cute!
Super three-dimensional! High permeability! High filtration efficiency!
SAVEWO 3DMEOW for Kids adopts the patented 3D design that allows the mask extra breathing room, making it more comfortable and snug-fitting to wear for an extended period of time. The 3DMEOW range comes in two sizes, targeting children aged 2-6 and 7-13 respectively.
Harnessing the innovative TypeCool+ filtration technology, the mask achieves unprecedented high filtration efficiency and breathability that, together with the use of ESPP non-woven fabrics and comfortable ear loops, make mask wearing a whole lot more comfortable for kids.
Designed with children in mind, the mask demonstrates low breathing resistance of < 2.8 and high splash resistance by a velocity of 160 mmHg, while being able to capture 99.9% of bacteria, dust, and viruses for maximum protection. Each mask is individually wrapped so that they are easier to carry around.
Size: Kids Large
Folded: 90 mm x 120 mm
Unfolded: 140 mm x 120 mm
Target: Suitable for aged 7-13
Features :
- Bacterial Filtration Efficiency BFE≥99.9%
- Particle Filtration Efficiency PFE≥99.9%
- Viral Filtration Efficiency VFE≥99.9%
- Innovative
filtration technology with ultra-high breathability and effective for 24 hours
- Ultra-low Breathing Resistance < 2.8mmH2O
- Fluid Resistance: Resists Synthetic Blood @ 160mmHg of pressure
- Smooth and hydrophilic ESPP inner layer, skin friendly material
- Conforms with KMOEL-2017-64 KF94 (Korea) respirator standards
- Conforms with ASTM F2100-19 Level 3 (US) standards
- Conforms with EN14683:2019 Type IIR (EU) standards
- Conforms with JIS T 9001:2021 Class III (Japan) standards
- Passed the Microbial Cleanliness (Bioburden) Test
- Colour Masterbatch Technology with highest safety level
- Not containing 212 SVHC high concern materials
- Not containing Azo Dye in Textile
- Not containing fluorescein, latex-free and antiallergic
- ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System
- ISO13485:2016 Medical Devices Quality Management System
- ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management System
- ISO14644-1:2015 Class 7 Cleanroom
- CE Marking Certification (EU)
- Regulated by FDA (US), Registration Number: 3017178899
- Designed and Made in Hong Kong, individual packing