SAVEWO ClassicMask 救世 三摺平面口罩 30's【Size 160 百搭白色 White】
- SKU:
- 4897115143458
- Availability:
- 160 size: more suitable for small face adult
SAVEWO ClassicMask 超快適,高透氣,強過濾
SAVEWO首款經典三摺平面口罩 ClassicMask正式登場,推出白色、灰色及黑色三款簡約色調,簡單質樸的色調及設計,滿足不少朋友仔返璞歸真生活態度。唯優秀的性能及品質,我們絕不妥協。
用上特製ESPP親膚順滑底層,絕不起毛,呵護肌膚。符合美國 ASTM LEVEL3及歐盟 EN14683:2019 Type IIR醫用口罩標準。
SAVEWO ClassicMask三摺平面口罩(30片/盒,獨立包裝)
· 白色百搭
· 灰色睿智
· 黑色型格
產品規格 :
- 細菌過濾效率 BFE>=99.9%
- 顆粒過濾效率 PFE>=99.9%
- 病毒過濾效率 VFE>=99.9%
- 創新TypeCool+過濾技術,超強過濾極緻透氣,能持久保持過濾效能,過濾效率有效24小時以上
- 超低呼吸阻力 Breathing Resistance:<3.4mmH₂O
- 防止飛沫及潑濺阻擋達 160mmHg
- 特製抗水性ESPP順滑親膚內層,呵護肌膚
- 符合美國 ASTM F2100-19 Level3 醫用口罩標準
- 符合歐盟 EN14683:2019 Type IIR 醫用口罩標準
- 通過 ISO10993-5 細胞毒性及 ISO10993-10 皮膚刺激致敏 醫用材料的生物相容性測試
- 通過微生物淨潔測試Microbial Cleanliness (Bioburden) Test
- 採用安全性最高的色母染色法
- 不含212項 SVHC 高關注物料
- 不含偶氮染料 No Azo Dye in Textile
- 不含螢光劑,無乳膠,抗過敏
- ISO14644-1 Class7 無塵廠房生產認證
- ISO13485:2016 醫療器械品質管理體系認證
- ISO14001:2015 環境管理系統認證
- ISO9001:2015 品質管理系統認證
- 產品獲得CE歐盟認證
- 美國FDA食品及藥物監管局註冊,編號:3017178899
- 香港設計,香港生產,獨立個體包裝
Features :
- Innovative TypeCool+ filtration technology, high filtration efficiency and breathability
- Breathing Resistance< 3.4mmH2O
- Adopts the all-new hydrophobic electret technology that stands up to moisture, allowing for maximum filter life. Filter efficiency guaranteed for at least 24 hours
- Filtration efficiency maintains 99.9% after soaking in distilled water for 24 hours
Skin-Friendly :
- Smooth and hydrophilic ESPP inner layer that keeps the mask fresh, preventing it from dehydration while being able to get rid of excess moisture.
- Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (BFE): >= 99.9%
- Particle Filtration Efficiency (PFE): >= 99.9%
- Viral Filtration Efficiency (VFE): >= 99.9%
- Fluid Resistance: Resists Synthetic Blood @160mmHg of pressure
- Conforms with ASTM F2100-19 Level 3 (US Standards)
- Conforms with EN14683:2019 TYPE IIR (EU Standards)
- Passed the ISO10993-10 Skin Irritation and Sensitization Test
- Passed the ISO10993-5 Minimal Essential Media (MEM) Elution Test
- Passed the Microbial Cleanliness (Bioburden) Test
- Latex free and antiallergic
- Does not contain 212 SVHC materials
- No Azo Dye in Textile
- Fluorescent-free, latex-free, hypoallergenic
- Produced at ISO14644-1 Class7 Cleanroom
- ISO13485:2016 Quality Management System for Medical Devices
- ISO14001-2015 Environmental Management System
- ISO9001-2015 Quality Management System
- CE Marking Certification (EU)
- FDA Registration (US), Registration No. 3017178899
- Design and manufactured in Hong Kong
- Individual packaging